Friday, September 2, 2011

My growing munchkin!

I am just awful about blogging. I'm not sure how to get back into it. When I have time to myself that doesn't involve cooking, cleaning, eating or sleeping I don't find myself wanting to cue up the computer. In all honesty I would rather read, catch up on some TV, or take a nap. Am I just terrible? How do all of you blogging mamas motivate yourselves? I'm sure if I made it a habit, and developed some sort of readership I might get the bug! So I've been the girl who has cried (blog) wolf many a time, but I really would like to mean it this time when I say I AM BACK! I know, you don't believe me.

Anyway, today I would like to brag on my little 4 month old preciousness. You guys, he is the sweetest, cutest little round ball of lovin! I seriously look at him and my heart hurts. What I've done to deserve this little man in beyond me. Cody and I watch him, and just feel like he is growing up before out eyes. For the first couple of month I really didn't understand why everyone said "enjoy it, it goes so quickly", I would think to myself, "this is NOT going quickly". I loved my child, yes of course, but didn't know exactly what everybody was speaking of? I was up for 10 more hours a day than I was used to, and didn't leave the house for days on end. that we have developed some new and improved sleep habits, with only the occasional crazy night, I feel like the is growing up before my eyes. His favorite things to do right now are to:

Belly laugh
Roll over and over and over
Grab his toes
Smile anytime I look in his direction
Play in his Jump-A-Roo
Watch Praise Baby every night before bed laughing at the same parts each time
Eat, eat, eat
Stand up on your lap
Try to crawl and always face plant
Facetime with his MiMi, Grandpa, Aunt KK and Uncle Lance
Go to the grocery store or target. His eyes get HUGE, and he just stares at everything
Make mean faces when stranger hover over his stroller in public telling him how cute he is. We will have to work on our manners on that one, but I probably wouldn't want crazy people in my face either.
Play with his toys on the floor
Story time with his daddy before bed
His elephant lovie blanket

Here are a few of his 3 (because I forgot to post-shocker) and 4 month photo shoots. Love him.

3 months old
15.5 lbs (95%) 24.1/4 inches (90%)

4 months old
18 lbs (97%) 26.5 inches (90-95%)


Wendi said...

I love reading blogs about babies now! haha.. he is so cute. And I love your comment about random people getting in his face. So true!

Elliott and Cherry Wood said...

oh my word Betho--he's going to catch Lofton in the weight department before he turns 6 months old! Lo didn't weight 18 pounds until he was almost a year! But that is awesome-so glad he's a good eater, and I can't wait to meet him in a few weeks!! and thanks for the update-I needed some Max pictures in my life :)

Monica said...

Oh my word he is so cute!! It hurts my heart to look at the post before and see all his sweet newborn pictures and then look at how quickly he has changed!! I wish there was a way to bottle up that newborn sweetness. You could save it for a day when you could think straight and feel not so hit by a truck! Precious precious.
I tell you my motivation for blogging. All the things you think you possibley could never forget about your child, you forget. I go back and read things about Annie on my blog and I am so glad I wrote it down. Especially the monthly updates. I was very faithful about doing it with Spencer mainly because I already knew there was so much I had forgotten about Annie. Then the best part is getting a blog book made. Now that Annie is old enough she loves to look at it. I think blogging captures everyday life even better then scrapbooking. No it is not always fun. I know that if something ever happened to me, my blog would be priceless to my children. Especially at their young age they would see how their Mommy loved them and hear stories of our life together. Let's pray nothing happens to me though. Their father works too much. : )