Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall Fun

We have had so much fun with friends and family over the past couple of weeks. I will just dedicate this post to pictures, most of which are pretty self explanatory.

Max and his G-Momma went to the pumpkin patch. He was exhausted and really interested in the pumpkins so we couldn't get him to smile.

We had a quick photo shoot tonight in his Itsy Bitsy Spider costume, just in case he sleeps through Halloween and we can't get a good picture on the day!

Mommy and Baby Spider!

They look so much alike to me right now.

My friends from my previous post came to visit, and we took Max on a walk to the park for him to experience the swings for the first time.
He loved it!
Hey look, its my mom!

In other big new, Max turned 6 months old today! Stay tuned for his 6 month post and stats.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this post! He is the cutest spider baby I have ever seen!! He also looked so cute and happy on that swing like he was loving life!!! Miss Y'all!!!