Saturday, December 10, 2011


Hi blog friends! I have been sitting here for about 30 minutes dinking around on the computer reading blogs, and was compelled to actually write a blog. After all, it has been a while and we have good news! Drum roll please..........


Some of you already know (and thank you for all of your prayers) that Cody has been interviewing for a job with Waste Management for the past couple months, and just recently traveled to H-town to have his last 5 hour interview! I dropped him off thinking I would just grab coffee and play with my ipad for a little while until he called me to pick him up. Well, 5 hours later after I had parked at 5 different meters, walked around the entire downtown area, revisited the site of our wedding reception, driven through McDonalds TWICE for a Diet Dr. Pepper, and taken a nap in the car he FINALLY called me to come pick him up! I had a good feeling that he would have good news since he was in there so long, but was disappointed when he told me they had one more interview and would get back with him the next week. Jeez Louise! I am terrible about being patient in these particular situations, BUT luckily they called him Monday morning and offered him the job! I was instantly so excited/proud of him! It is crazy though to get a call like that, and in a moment you know your life is totally changing. I laid awake that night trying to create a plan of how exactly we were going to get this move in before Christmas. We are still trying to figure that out, but I'm sure it will all work itself out. Right?

We are trying to be packed and out of our current house before we leave on the 22nd for Christmas. I think I will start packing tomorrow! Speaking of Christmas, check out this little Christmas angel on his way to see Santa! So sleepy!

The official 2011 Santa picture! I've seriously been waiting my whole life for that moment!

and a little sneak peak photo from our family x-mas photo shoot!

Anyway, it is a bittersweet feeling to be moving to Houston, and leaving our home here. I have always wanted to be close to my family, and seriously cannot believe this is going to happen. On the other hand, i'm going to miss my friends and family (my mother in law live SO close to us now), and am nervous about making new "close" friends. I obviously grew up in Sugar Land so know quite a few people, but have never been a mom there, and want more than anything to form relationships with other mom's of young kids! It's always hard being the "new girl" in a circle of already close friends. So if you are a mom is Sugar Land and want to invite me over for a play date I WILL NOT say no! I am seriously craving, and have been for a while "mom friends!"

I LOOOOVE all of my other best friends in H-Town, but they unfortunately they have to go to this silly thing called "work" all day! None of my college bf's in town have kids yet!

We are also beyond pumped to get involved in church. We had wonderful relationships at our church here, but when Max came, he was the first child in the small group, and we couldn't really keep the same schedule that the group liked, ie, meet at 8-10:30, then go to Starbucks afterwards! Oooh those were the days! Now Max is out for the night at 6:15-6:30!

We are so excited for all the new opportunities ahead, but are also trying to be realistic that all things take time. For so long when things in life weren't exactly going our way, we would say something along the lines of "if we lived in Houston we would have more babysitters," or "if we lived in Houston I would have more friends," or "if we lived in Houston we would be more involved in church!" HAHA. Houston was the "mecca" of all cities, which is kind of hilarious when you live in Austin. Anyway-my point is, while I am seriously excited, I am also reminding myself to have realistic expectations about the move, and not get discouraged if everything is not how I dreamed it will be right away. I know I am going to have to put effort in too, to have friends, church involvement etc...

So wish us luck! We are busy trying to soak up our city before we pack it up! Here are a few pictures of us before heading out to have some Chuys! We love us some Chuys!

And I had to post this picture because it cracked me up! This is what I came down the stairs to the other morning! Ummm hi baby, where is your dad? Not a toy or a parent in sight, just little Max watching Sesame Street all alone. To avoid any fears, Cody was 3 feet away, but I couldn't see him from my angle. He was actually making a bottle, and had picked up the entire living room so there would be a nice "ambiance" when I woke up. Ohh what on earth am I going to do when my husband doesn't work from home anymore? I'm going to feel like my job got a lot harder too! I have been unbelievably spoiled with my sleeping in on weeks days!

I guess that's it! Merry Christmas!


Elliott and Cherry Wood said...

We are so stinkin excited for you guys!! So excited for you to live close to your family and be able to have regular babysitters!! I'll be praying about the transition from Austin to Houston--and your baby boy is one of the cutest little guys EVER! I LOVE his little plaid shirt on him!

Aja Speights said...

I'm so excited for you guys--Kayla was telling me last weekend about y'all moving down here! And yes, we'll have to get together and let the little ones play for sure. Some of us started a little playgroup (we get together every other Friday) and we'd love for you to come when you move down here. If you want to give me your address at some point, I'll add you to the emails!

Merry Christmas and good luck with packing etc.!
