Little guy is 4 months old and cuter than ever. I think we are starting to develop a routine, and he is becoming a little bit more predictable with his schedule. This is coming at a good time because Max is out of control and demanding my attention around the clock. Levi is definitely a mama's boy too which is so sweet, but makes it very hard to get out of the house. He doesn't take a bottle-EVER (I see a boot camp in the VERY near future), and has a hard time with other people putting him down for naps.
On the topic of sleep, we have started official sleep training I guess you could say. We are letting him
"cry it out" at bedtime, and at naps if he has a hard time falling asleep. So far it hasn't been too bad, and our longest crying bout was 35 minutes. He also decided he didn't like the swaddle this month, and that has definitely been a transition teaching him how to sleep with his arms out. Not my favorite phase for sure. His sleep has regressed a bit this month but I am hoping it's just a phase and because he is learning how to sleep sans swaddle. On a typical night he will sleep a 9-10 hour stretch and then back to sleep for a couple hours, but every now and again he is up between 2-5 for a quick feeding or paci.
He is rolling over in both directions, and just started eating solids. So far we have only given him bananas and apples. He loved the bananas but hated the apples! He opens his mouth like a little bird and smiles so big! I skipped right past the rice cereal this time and went straight to the good stuff. Max hated the rice cereal, and there doesn't seem to be much nutritional value anyway. I plan to incorporate a few veggies next week. I worried a little bit because he hasn't been reaching for objects as quickly as Max did, but the past couple days he has been doing much better. My doctor said not to worry, so I'm trying not to. He LOVES his play mat, and has started to play in his exersaucer too! He occasionally sucks his fingers or thumb, and loves to try and put his paci in and out of this mouth.
Max is starting to really like him too, and is always so generous with his toys and lovies. We just love him so, and are so grateful to have him in our little family. Here are his stats for this month:
Weight- 16 pounds (50th)
Height- 25 inches (50th)
Head- 75% (forgot measurement)
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