Saturday, May 4, 2013

Max is TWO years old, and this post is LONG!

My Maxwell Stone turned 2 years old on April, 26th! He had a BALL with all of the birthday festivities, and seemed to really know what was going on, and most importantly that is was ALL ABOUT HIM! We had a little celebration with my parents the morning of his birthday with a few small gifts, donuts, and a singing balloon. The balloon was by far his favorite thing, and it is still inflated in the living room. You are free to deflate anytime now Mr. Balloon, you have my permission.

Later that afternoon his G-Ja (Cody's Mom) arrived bearing more presents and love for the birthday boy. He felt so special, and was so excited to see her. We spent the rest of the day spoiling Max, and pretty much let him run the show (if that's different than any other day-ha). We had Mexican food for dinner which is an all time favorite of the birthday boy and ended the night with a delicious pineapple pound cake made by Cheryl/G-Ja. Once Max was in bed the true fun began. I vowed to myself to keep this party simple, and of course last minute decided I wanted to do a million different things. I also didn't have a chance to grocery shop until the night before. Needless to say, it was a LONG night for me and Cheryl, who was oh so kind to help me with all the party prep. We called it a "night" at 2 a.m., and Levi was so kind to wake up at 5:30 a.m. Such is life with little people I guess, and i'm okay with it.

The party was a blast, and we were so grateful for all the people who came to celebrate Max. It's always so humbling in a way to see other people love your child. Of course I think he is the most unbelievable two year old there ever way, but it's nice to see others also get excited with us. He sat like the most precious little prince there ever was while we sang happy birthday, and it made me tear up watching him. My tears then turned into sobs as I was thinking back over the last two years, and realizing how grateful I am for him. It probably didn't help that I only slept for 3 hours the night before. It was actually kind of embarrassing  but there was no stopping it. I just love that boy.

The boys both took naps after the party, and Cody and his brother headed out to a Rockets game. Cheryl and I were left with the post party carnage, but had zero energy to clean up. I'm actually just getting around to it all a week later!! Good heavens! So this is officially my LAST monthly update on Max. So without further adieu, at 24 months this is what Max is up to:


Weight- 34 lbs (90%)
Height- 27.5 inches (100%)

He talk up a storm and repeats everything. He still loves his animals, and making their sounds. He has added quite a few new and obscure animals to his ever growing list recently, and it's just so funny. His latest are ferret, gerbil, macaw, ant eater, and scorpion.

He has a new found interest in "Thomas and Friends" and always refers to it as such. He loves his trains, and wakes up in the morning asking to play with them. My mom gave him a car rug/mat to drive his various vehicles on, and this is a mega hit with him. He plays so very independently, and is just precious playing quietly by himself. He also loves when Levi and I join in. Another major favorite is toy food. He pretend eats much better than he actually eats lately. We also recently had a "boy" versions of dress up where Max made us all wear hats and ties.

Moving on to eating. He definitely eats, but would much rather play. He seems to eat just enough to stave off the hunger, then is begging to "get down", or "play more" or say's he is "all done now". Breakfast is usually when I can stuff him full, and he will typically always have an entire bowl of oatmeal, with either toast, cereal, yogurt, or waffles. Lunch is hit or miss, and he will usually show an interest in eating dinner, especially if cheese is involved. He loves all dairy products, and could be perfectly content living off yogurt, gouda or colby jack cheese, and whole milk. He still gets most of his veggies from the little pouches, but will eat broccoli by itself, or the veggies that I bake in chicken pot pie and casseroles. He loves LOVES pizza, quesadillas, enchiladas, tacos of any sort, chicken pot pie, mac n cheese, lasagna, chicken nuggets, grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, grilled cheese, dumplings, wonton soup, apples, watermelon, strawberries, peaches and oranges. Just to name a few. He usually won't eat grapes, green beans (alone), hot dogs, hamburgers, tomatoes or raisins. He can be funny about food. One day he loves something, the next is disgusted. He actually vomited when I made him eat a cherry tomato. Dramatic.

As far as we know he is still allergic to peanuts, pecans, and egg whites. The doctor isn't too concerned with the egg whites since he consumed them just fine before we tested him (and still does now), but we aren't very hopeful that he will outgrow the peanuts and pecans. I am coming to terms with it just fine, and it is what it is. The one thing I hate about allergy testing is that kids can test "positive" for a food that they might never react to. I learned this at our 2 year appointment. This then leads parents to take extreme measures to avoid food that might never be a problem. Such as egg white with us. We know for certain that one out of our two visits to the ER was for pecans, and suspect the other might be as well. So what about peanuts then? Maybe we shouldn't be worried? I know I'm not going to risk it, but also know that it's causing me anxiety about him going to school in August to a non peanut free campus. Overall, I guess I should just be thankful for epi pens, and this sort of testing. We are going to schedule a appointment soon for him to see an allergist for skin testing. That should be a treat!

The 2's have also brought tantrums. It's almost like it happened over night, and he just realized he has a strong opinion about things. He is usually such a compliant child, so we are at a loss at how to deal with it. Today for example, we went on a family trip to the mall. Yes, you read that right, the mall. Cody really needed a couple of new suits, and Macy's was running a good sale. He wanted my input as well, so that left us no other choice than to load up the double stroller and make it a family affair. We actually had a blast, and the boys were almost perfect. Max had never been to a mall that he could remember, and it was also fun for Levi to take in. We shopped, played at the indoor playground, and Max even got Chick-fil-a. Well, when it was time to leave all of YOU KNOW WHERE broke loose. I'm talking limp noodle body on the floor, that turned into a thrashing body on the floor, that turned into a screaming body on the floor, that turned into super embarrassed parents.

I also almost punched a girl who walked by with her fingers in her ears, and told me to "get a hold of my child" as she glared disgustedly. She was about 15.  I guess she thought I was enjoying it. Cody eventually put Max on his shoulders because he was screaming NOOOO STROLLER for all the mall to hear. I broke into laughter (secretly) when I looked up at Max pulling Cody's hair with all his might, and snot was literally dripping out of his nose and covering Cody's hair. I really thought I had the child who didn't throw tantrums. I really did. I know, that was a stupid thought. He also graces us with these tantrums when we tell him it's bedtime, and don't forget, he is no lightweight so it's hard work getting that boy up the stairs, down the hall, and into his room while trying with everything in my power to keep him from waking Levi up.

However, make no mistake that we absolutely love, love, love our Maxwell, and are simply praying this is a phase-ha! The good outweighs the challenging any day! He is a beautiful, precious little doll, and I wouldn't want to spend my day with anyone else (except for his brother).

Happy birthday Max! We love you so much! Here are a few more party pictures below!

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