Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Levi is ONE-Remembering his BIRTHday.

My most precious little second born son just had his first birthday! Forgive me for abusing the mom cliche, but this year FLEW by. I blinked and my little newborn turned into a chubby, smiley, mischievous almost toddler (for the record I do not consider a 12 month old to be a toddlers-sorry Baby Center). He has been the very best thing to happen to our family, and I really and truly can't believe he is one year old.

I feel like it was just yesterday that I chucked a positive pregnancy test across Max's nursery to Cody and said "um, you need to look at that," and realizing in retrospect that I could have made it much more special. I was in shock though. You see Max was only 8 months old at the time, and we weren't' even sure we could have another baby. With my history of Endometriosis, and possible scarring from my infection with Max I was nervous I might have more "issues" and definitely didn't want to get my hopes up about another baby.

Lo and behold, God had an amazing plan for our family that was so much better than anything I could have planned, or timed. I was in shock and SO excited! I was able to randomly find out on my own at a routine office visit that we were expecting another boy, and could not stop smiling ALL day as a prepared a surprise to tell Cody, and then later that night my family. My mom was SO sure I was having a girl because of how excited I was-ha! I actually never felt an ounce of sadness over not having a girl. Really. All I could think of were my two boys growing up together, and being best friends! One of the best days of my life.

Once we officially found out you were a boy, even though I knew it all along, we started really planning for you! Your delivery was so very easy compared to Max. After a couple pushes you were born, and at one point we didn't think the doctor was even going to make it into the delivery room. The nurse was trying to assure me that she had "caught" many babies. I told her I was sure she was great, but to please tell the doctor to HURRY! I'll never forget, we were watching Everybody Loves Raymond, and I made the comment to Cody that I had never seen this episode, but felt like we needed to call the nurse in, so he paused it so we could finish after I delivered the baby! Makes me laugh as I type. We didn't finish the episode. Luckily the Levi show was much more entertaining.

Another funny moment was the realization that my doctor was an identical twin, and we figured this out as I was pushing! Such a weird convo for such a time. When it was time to cut the cord Cody opted out (he doesn't care for cord cutting, but I forgot to tell the doctor before hand) so she handed the scissors to unsuspecting Kayla and said "here, let's let twin do it" and the look on her face was the BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN! She did a great job though, and it gave us all a good laugh. It was also a great distraction from the pain. The nurses were even commenting on the simplicity of my entire labor and delivery experience. It was easy, and trust me I know this is a major blessing.

I was in a "race" with the woman next door who checked in the same time as me. HA! My nurse would update me on her progress, popping her head in saying things like "okay, she's at a 6 and I bet you are at least a 7". The best comment was "you're in luck, it looks like she is having a hard time getting his head out, so she is taking a break from pushing." Really? I did hear quite a bit of screaming from her room, so the poor woman much have been having a rough go at it. Been there birthed that big head. In the end I won. Just saying. The winner would get the keep the nurse for the rest of shift in the post postpartum wing, which we both wanted-hence the race.

In the end our beautiful little Levi Hayes Girod came into the world two weeks early at 2:36 p.m. weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 20 inches long. He looked so tiny to me, and I thought he had Max's face. He was screaming and so precious. There is nothing like that feeling of relief that rushes over your entire body when you finally get to look at that little person you have been trying your very best to take care of for nine months, and knowing they are okay. You did your part, and now you get to see your baby! He nursed like a little champ, and I got to hold him and keep him with me for the rest of the day. This was nothing like my Max experience, so I didn't have any idea how wonderful a "normal" delivery was. I remember ordering a chicken salad for lunch (and being shocked that I could just sit and eat), and being on cloud 9 as family buzzed around me to greet our new little preciousness.

There have been challenges, and having two babies so close in age can be tough, but overall my feeling of being on cloud 9 has never gone away. Levi has become part of me, and my best little friend. He is my little hip baby, my cute little accessory, and always wants to know where I am. He is so sweet, and truly loves life. He smiles all the time, and loves to laugh and dance. He truly has joy in his heart. We could all learn a thing or two from him! Somehow, despite all the abuse, he loves his brother and follows him around the house all day. I am starting to see their friendship form. Max loves him too, and though he tends to pick on him sometimes, he always wants to know where he is. He makes sure I don't forget Levi when we are leaving the house, and always points out that "Levi's crying" or "Levi wants a bottle", sweet brother. When I pick Max up from school and don't bring Levi  he say's "where in the world is Levi Mommy" and is genuinely concerned! Levi also know his brothers name, and will point and say "Masss". I just love that they will  have a brother to grow up with! 

We love you Levi Hayes! You are the sweetest addition to our family!

Oh Yes-He also REALLY loves his daddy....

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