Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Levi's First Birthday Party

We celebrated Levi's first birthday a few weeks ago, but I am just now getting to posting pictures of his super fun day! We did a hot air balloon theme which seemed totally appropriate being that his first year flew by like no other! He had a blast, and it all turned out perfectly. My mother-in-law is like a birthday party godsend, and she, along with my mom and uncle Cade all pitched in while we went to town with party prep! I always underestimate how long preparing for large groups takes, even when kept simple. 

Our pictures are out of order, but here is the precious birthday man enjoying his first birthday cake! I made a giant tie-dyed cupcake, and much to Max's delight it took a couple tries before I was brave enough to make the final product. We had lots of cake samples around the house the week of the party!

 This is the only picture of me and the birthday boy, and unfortunately he is not looking! 

 Sweet man enjoying the trampoline, and SO proud he finally figured out how to climb on it! He has been eyeing it for months!

 A few cousin party guests!

 I love this shot because of the look on Levi's face! He was so excited to have that gigantic cake plopped down in front of him! He didn't know quite what to do with it. Max on the other hand couldn't focus for two seconds. Typical two year old :)

Pre and post party action. The top picture might be the cleanest that play room has EVER been (and probably ever will be).

 What a playroom should look like :)

 Our Family

 Inside cupcake and party favor table.

 Sweetest boy EVER!

 G-Ja got him a new bike, and he LOVES it! It's the cutest because his toes barely graze the floor. My short boy has no fear!
 happy happy happy...

 Party decor. Lots and lots of balloons, and a little framed poster that highlighted his first year.


Such a great day, and we love this boy so much! There is nothing like that first year, and the party is a mix of celebration of family, fun, milestones, and overall survival to have made it through the first year. They never change and grow as much as they do in the first year and it definitely deserves much celebration! I look forward to what this second year holds, and know this boy is going to continue to be a hilarious little hoot!

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