Thursday, January 30, 2014

He Pooped In My Bed

Y'all, does anyone else think it's just a tad hard being a parent? I've stumbled across a few different reads this week about parenting, working, both-ing, and what is best for your family. It just kills me that people even think this controversy is worth discussing. People do what they gotta to support their family-end of story. Anyway-that was just a little tangent.

I vowed to blog once a week as one of my New Years resolutions, but that has proved to be a struggle. Who else feels like there is just not enough time in the day for anything other than the bare necessities, and not even those gets done! Can I get an amen?! I feel like I am constantly oozing laundry, goldfish crumbs, diapers, and temper tantrums all the live long daaay! In all seriousness though, I really am struggling with how to handle this new "phase" of parenting. Toddlers are no joke. No joke at all. Boy toddlers seems to be slightly evil. There is absolutely nothing more precious that my sweet boys, but man I am clearly a novice. Clearly! I was getting a little cocky too, thinking I had things under control, so I guess I needed to be put in my place.

I feel like each one of my boys is entering into their prime if you will, at the very same time. Here are a few of the new things they have done this week. Hopefully this will give anyone else in this current life phase some comfort to know you're not alone. Yes I said this week. All this week.

*Max pooped in my bed. As in pulled the Pull-Up down, hovered over my silk pillow sham, and pooped. Then he ran that poop bootie over to the bath tub where Levi was bathing and jumped in. Turds were floating.

*Levi threw Mr. Potatoes Head's shoes at my head, and I have had a bruise right between my eyes for days. It hurts to blink. That boy has an arm!

*Levi stuffed his lovies into his diaper and then pooped immediately before nap-time. With no lovies there is no nap-time.

*Max drank almost and entire Route 44 Diet Dp with vanilla from Sonic while I was rocking Levi. He was literally running into the walls until midnight, and proudly proclaimed "I love diet pepper with banilla". Even worse, I faced the evening un-caffeinated!

*Levi got a hold of a bag of brown sugar and dumped it on the kitchen floor, then sprinkled it with some cinnamon before pouring a bottled water on the top and making a nice little goop. This all happened in the time it took me to pee. I didn't see it until Max ran in and said "mommy Levi is cooking," and I've since learned my lesson about sugar and spice placement in the pantry.

*Max got up for the day at 4 a.m.....again

*Levi choked on a toy dinosaur.

*Max choked on an apple and vomited in the car-as we were pulling away from the car-wash. Yes we just had the inside cleaned. I found a chunk braided into my hair before bed that night.

*Levi dumped the basket of folded laundry over, and learned how to stand on tables to knock pictures off the wall.

That's all I can think of for now...

I know this list will make me laugh one day very soon! These boys are keeping me on my toes, and I just pray I figure it all out!! Heaven help me! So, for those of you who ask what exactly a stay at home mom does all day...hopefully this can give you an idea.

Happy Thursday!


Brittnie said...

Oh my gosh I am literally LOL right now at 5:54AM! I am sorry your week was rough girl! Here's to hoping that the boys take it easier on you next week!! (I know I shouldn't laugh cause my time is coming but OH MY GOODNESS the poop!)

Gina said...

Hahahahaha!!!! I know you probably aren't laughing at all of this, but one day you will. You deserve a medal for surviving your week, and for keeping your kids alive!! Hallie has reached a *wonderful* stage of trying to dig the poop out of her diaper to *clean* herself up. I have (twice this week) gone in to check on her during her nap time to see why she isn't sleeping to discover poop EVERYWHERE (bed, stuffed animals, floor, crib slats, wall, her body, face, hair). Oh the joys of parenting!! :)

Unknown said...

Funny you mentioned the spices in the pantry because when I was babysitting them the other night I looked away for 2 seconds and Levi had completely emptied the contents of your spice rack. I was chasing after him as spices rolled down your hallway. Max was cracking up laughing saying "KK is running" as Levi just poured cinnamon all over! Levi also had a poopy diaper and I couldn't find the wipes and he put his poopy hand in his hair! Oh, and Max dumped his cereal on the floor on accident. Yes, this was all in 2 hours so man, I feel your pain!!!

Unknown said...

Funny you mentioned the spices in the pantry because when I was babysitting them the other night I looked away for 2 seconds and Levi had completely emptied the contents of your spice rack. I was chasing after him as spices rolled down your hallway. Max was cracking up laughing saying "KK is running" as Levi just poured cinnamon all over! Levi also had a poopy diaper and I couldn't find the wipes and he put his poopy hand in his hair! Oh, and Max dumped his cereal on the floor on accident. Yes, this was all in 2 hours so man, I feel your pain!!!