Monday, March 4, 2013

Max 22 Months...a few days late

In a way it doesn't seen possible that we have had Max in our lives for 22 months, and at times I can hardly remember life before him. He is turning into such a little boy, and we are really starting to see his personality unfold. Ever day I see more and more of what I think he will be like when he gets older; how he will interact with friends, his likes and dislikes, and how he approaches life overall.

(taking a snack break at the zoo)

He is very VERY energetic. He's like a little speedboat that will not slow down until you absolutely force him to stop. He typically plays for over 5 hours in the morning until he is ready for a nap, crashes for about 3 hours, and is good to go for another 4-5 until bedtime. He loves is family, and is such a performer. He knows we will applaud his every move, and he sure knows how to put on a show. He loves music, dancing, and singing. He literally wakes up with a song in his heart, and lately just walks around humming and singing. 

(playing in the "gwass" )

He is social, but very independent, and can play alone for hours. He loves to read, and has memorized quite a few books (as well as a toddler can memorize). He loves his baby brother, but isn't too thrilled about sharing his mommy. I know when Levi gets a little bit older they will be the best of friends.

(Love this angelic little face )

Max loves the outdoors, and could spend the entire day collecting rocks, sticks and leaves. He asks to go to the park every day, and loves getting dirty. He is obsessed with his sandbox which I have a love/hate relationship with, and also plays in that daily. I can typically trust him to play outside while I am in the house putting the baby down, or getting dinner ready. His personality is more of a cautious one, so he never wanders too far. He is starting to remember friends names, and randomly asks about people throughout the day. I am really going to focus on getting him together with little people his age, and am so excited he is starting pre-school in the Fall. On the topic of pre-school. WHO KNEW you had to camp out at 6:30 in the morning to get your child a spot! I am glad I did it though, and so excited for this next chapter in his little life. 

Max is still a big eater for the most part, and might just be addicted to milk. He loves, loves, loves animal crackers, and I have to hide them every day because he wakes up asking for "animals". He can devour Mexican food of any variety, and loves most fruits. He will eat broccoli and carrots, but he gets most of his veggies from those squeeze pouches. Genius invention. He has oatmeal most mornings for breakfast, but lately he has been requesting cereal. He will also ask for bean and cheese burritos (tacos), waffles, toast, bagels or apples. We have been a little bit lax with sweets, and this month he had candy for the first time. We now know he loves M&M's and Twizzlers-ha! Cody and I can't eat any form of junk food around him, or he will MELT DOWN when we don't share. I guess it's good for everybody.

Speaking of melt downs, we now have those as an almost daily part of our lives. Now that he can communicate so well, he gets so upset when he asks (tells) me something but doesn't get his way. He thinks just because he can now say "animal cracker" or "Ipad" that he should always have his requests granted-instantly. We are working on patience and obedience. We started time out a few days ago, but so far it is not effective. He doesn't mind it, and when I tell him he has to go to the time out chair he casually walks over to his chair, sits down, and yells "NO SIR" usually with a smile on his face. Today he went to time out and looked at me and said "Daddy, no sir throw" remembering when Cody put him in time out for throwing a toy in the house. I really am at a loss with how to discipline him. I also thought popping his hand might do the trick, but now he just spanks his own hand when he misbehaves. Any advice from other toddler moms would be great!!

(his first movie date with Hensley)

He talks so much, and it's amazing to see what a little sponge he is. He is stringing together more and more sentences, and loves to tell us just what he is thinking. He is still very into animals and the sounds they make, and recently started learning his shapes, numbers, colors, and peoples names. He repeats everything we say, and can pronounce most words we throw at him. He impressed me this morning with clearly asking for " mas chocolate milk" and "enchiladas". He says a couple little Spanish words like "mas" or "no bueno" which is so funny. We unfortunately know very little Spanish, but I am motivated to brush up on my skills, because it is obvious he understand there can be two words for the same thing. So far though he's probably on the road to Spanglish if we keep it up. 

I don't know what his stats are, but I would guess he is between 33-35 pounds. He was 33 pounds at his 18 month check up, and feels a little bit heavier to me now (though he is definitely slimming down). I know he is taller, and probably around 37 inches. He is TALL. He is a growing machine, and already wearing a size 8 shoe which I think is probably pretty big for his age, but I'm not sure.

He is a hilarious little joy, and we love him more every day. I REALLY need to get my act together for his birthday party. 

(he loves is stuffed animals)

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