Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just Checking In

Hello All! My blog break has NOT been intentional. We have enjoyed a little break from the internet, but are so pleased to announce that we have it up and running again! We had to switch providers, wait forever to schedule a set up and blah blah blah so it took a while.

ANYWAY, we are just trucking right along with our new little life in Sugar Land. Max is 9 months old (which will be the main subject of this post) and Cody turned 27. We had a fun b-day party for him at my sister's house, and so many of our new and old friends were able to make it! I didn't take one picture which doesn't surprise me about myself, but I wish I would have documented some of the fun. We had a little fiesta theme going on with a nacho bar and tres leches (compliments of some of our wonderful chef friends). We had a photo booth set up, which we didn't get to end up using much, fun games and smore on the patio, and lots of fun just talking with friends. We are very thankful for the new group of people we are getting connected with here.

But let's get to the man who inspired this blog. Mr. Maxwell Stone turned 9 months old on January 26th. I'm a bit late in posting, but here are his stats at 9 months:

Height: 31' (90-97%)
Weight: 23.9 (75-90%)
FOC: 47 1/4 (90-97%)

(He is closer to 25lbs now. He is quickly gaining from his horrible illness where he lost 3 pounds)

Happy little 9 month old boy

Max is into anything any everything these days (particularly those things he should not be). He can spot an outlet, wire, computer cord, or sharp edge from a mile away. He has really gained his balance in the past couple weeks, and can pull up on anything from the crawling position to standing. I actually went out of town for work (this little part time trainer position I have been doing for years) for a few days last week, and when I came home he was a new child in that department.

Max also has two teeth now! You can see them if you look closely in the pictures below. They are actually in pretty far, but its not always easy to see. He just thought it was hilarious that I was taking a picture of him in his crib. He has a little cold right now, and you can tell from his droopy little sweet face.

Speaking of his crib. Max is still sleeping from about 6:30am-6:30pm, but has surprised me lately sleeping past 7! Whoo Hoo. A year ago I would never have thought 7:15 was sleeping in. He has dropped his third nap, and usually goes down around 9:30-10 in the morning for his first nap and around 2 for his afternoon nap. Sometimes I hate the early evening bedtime because I feel like we are stuck in the house BUT I cant complain about the 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. I have tried and tried to keep him up later, but despite his bedtime he will be up around 7 or before. He just likes to go to bed early, so I am going to let him :)

Like I said, he loves to pull up and attempt to cruise. He is a serious danger to himself right now, and LOVES to get a hold of the TV stand and dig for cords.

Max is also getting more and more into reading. I was starting to get worried because all he wanted to do was eat the book, but he will actually participate now which makes me very happy. Every now and again he will even flip through the book on his own.

Another big event was a visit from Max's Gmomma (Cody's Mom). I will dedicate my next post to that visit because we have a ton of cute pictures. I guess that is all for now. It's almost the weekend!


Wendi said...

Cute post! Cody's party was fun, Max is super cute, and that's great he's such a good sleeper. You're a great little mama. :)

Kellianne said...

oh maxwell is growing up! so cute!