Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Max is growing up!

Our little Maxwellie turned 10 months old on Sunday. His stats are about the same as 9 months I suppose, but his personality is changing daily, maybe hourly. He is crazy! Not in a behavior problem way, if a 10 month old have behavior problems, but he is just WILD! He never NEVER stops moving, and is keeping he moving/lunging to rescue his throughout the entire day. Occasionally in the early morning I can get him to sit for a couple minutes to watch some of his Praise Baby DVD so I can gather myself, and get some breakfast going, but I no longer have any baby devises big enough to contain him. He has officially outgrown is activity gym- jumpy toy (what are those called?) and I know this because he leaned as far as he could for his toy box while he was in the activity gym other day, and was able to pull himself out, and crash in the toy box.

He loves to stand at his music table, but also gets a little too excited and pulls in over onto himself. His new favorite toy is the rocking chair we have in our living room. He will pull himself up and rock the chair with his hands, while his entire body is moving with the chair. Probably not safe, but so cute. Here is what he's up to as of this month...

Foods he loves..

Beans (black, pinto and re-fried)
Veggie Straws
Raisin Toast
All of his baby food fruits and veggies which are too many to list
Pasta (baby food)
Pizza Crust

Favorite Activities

Listening to music and dancing along
Playing at his music table
Knocking down block towers
Swinging outside
Going on walks
Chasing bouncy balls
"Flying" with his dad
LOVES to read, and will sit for an hour
Watching his Animal Baby Einstein
Looking at his animal flash cards
Playing in his crib

How he's sleeping...

Two naps, one around 9:30 and one around 2:00
Bedtime between 6:30-7
Wakes up between 6:15-6:45 usually (occasionally 7:30-8)
Sleeps with his two elephant lovies and paci
Still wears his sleep sack, and seems to love it

Words we are working on/saying...

Mama (he say's "Ma")
Woof Woof
LOTS of babbling and trying to imitate us
When we ask him "how old are you, are you one?" He will hold up one finger. We are practicing for the big day.
We think he tried to say Kitty Cat
Bock (for the chicken's in our yard)


Crawling (primarily army style, but he can now crawl correctly if he wants to)
Sitting up from being on his tummy
Pulling up from a crawl to standing position
Walking supported, and even attempted ONE step the other day
Cruising on the furniture

He's growing up so fast, and it really does make me sad. He is wearing me out daily, but I can't imagine a day without him! Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Aja Speights said...

He is so cute!! I know what you mean--time flies by faster than I could have ever imagined!