Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Max 11 Months *Warning Long Post*

On March 26th our little Max turned 11 months old! I can't believe I only have one more month (now only a couple of weeks) to put him in his chair with his little sticker. I will probably still try and take a chair picture for many more months to come, but it's still sad that my stickers run out in 2 weeks!

(I didn't have a single light colored solid to put his sticker on)

Like I say each and every month, he is changing before our eyes. The big thing we are noticing this month is that he understands us, and comprehends what we tell him. I have been able to teach him new "tricks" that he picks up after only a few repetitions. He has finally learned to clap on command. His command is "patty cake" but it still makes him clap. He picked up the sign for "more" a couple weeks ago at dinner after an intensive training session from his Aunt KK the speech pathologist. That poor boy wanted his chicken and beans bad enough that he realized he had to mimic her signing before she was going to relinquish his food! It was funny!

This morning while I was feeding him yogurt I looked down to check my phone, and he banged his tray and when I looked up he signed "more," smart thing! He waves bye every now and again, but I am realizing that he does not do much on command. He has to be in the mood to perform, but if he is it's very entertaining! He has learned how most of his toys work, and pushes the certain buttons to hear songs, beeps, etc. He LOVES to stand at the top of the stairs when people come in the door, and bounces up and down in excitement!

He is eating a lot more solids, and I can usually get away with ordering off the menu for him (if I must), or sharing my food with him when we are out. He is obsessed with beans, cheese, bread and yogurt. Sounds a lot like him mother, I hope I haven't ruined him. He had a huge portion of baked chicken, and a few egg noodles at dinner the other night. It was the first night I cooked, and only offered him what we were eating. It was such a great feeling to all sit around the table and share the same meal! It was also so cute scooping his little portion on his tray.

In addition to the stuff above, he will usually always eat: avocado, carrots, green beans, potatoes, peaches, apples, bananas, peas, and baby food-but I can tell he is almost totally over baby food. He also LOVES those little squeezable bags of apple sauce, and pretty much eat any food he can squeeze in his mouth.

(Max loves going to restaurants and sitting outside-especially with his Dad and uncle)

He never stops babbling, screeching and yelling. He says the sames sounds all the time, and in similar situations, so obviously he thinks he is talking. The only words he definitely says are dada, ma, ouch, uh oh, and beep-beep but it's hard to make much else out, however, he does say "bu bu" (bye bye) on occasion. Every time he is frustrated he yells "na na na na na" so he must think he is saying something! He's imitated quite a few words, but doesn't initiate them yet.

He still LOVES books, and turns the pages on his own. He touches all of his favorite pages, characters, and touches anything with texture. He definitely has favorite books, and will let you know what he wants to read. He pulls books out of his box, and will sit for up to 30 minutes flipping through the pages. I feel like he is getting bored with his toys thought, and I think we might need to move to the next level (maybe he will get a few things for his birthday). He still plays with everything, but gets restless much quicker, and I find myself wanted to get us out of the house more often.

(Listening to the audio book his G-Momma recorded for him)

He has actually turned into a little night owl since daylight savings time! Previously he went to bed at 6:15-6:30 like clock work, but a couple weeks before the change started going to sleep close to 7:30. Once the time change rolled around his bedtime turned into 8:30ish, and we decided not to "adjust" him so we could spend more time together in the evening, and actually get to do more with friends and family. It's been nice, but a bit of an adjustment. We were so accustomed to a silent, calm house my 6:30 every night and now we have a party animal spending a lot more time with us! It's been fun to go out to dinner, and church on Wednesdays occasionally!

(the naked baby chase happens about 8pm every night after bath-we usually just give up)

He still loathes the nursery, and I have given up all together on that one for now. It's a great nursery, and the ladies working it are wonderful, but there are just too many babies and not enough hands to hold and play. Max is a little bit high maintenance in that department, and doesn't care for that type of communal living. I could write a novel, because truly I would absolutely, positively, love nothing more than to be able to take Max to the nursery and enjoy church and class with Cody. I even had to ask a friend to come to the house and keep Max so I can go to Tuesday morning Ladies Bible Class for the next 4 weeks, and of course he is happy as a lark. I think this is all my fault because I didn't adjust him younger, but there wasn't really a nursery in Austin, plus he was so young, and then we moved. Overall he just hates it, and I lose sleep over the issue. He's too old for the class he's in, and too young for the next step up. Hopefully when he gets a little bit older he will like it, or at least tolerate for a hour so we can enjoy church.

We have made so many WONDERFUL friends who have babies right around Max's age, and I love so much that they will be able to grow up together. Plus the mom's are amazing as well, and at this age playgroups still seem to be mainly about the mom's getting together and talking-being that most of our children are under 1 year of age and easily entertained/contained (though this is getting more challenging). Max meets with his little friends every other week, but we try and see friends at least once a week. I'm going to make a much greater effort to initiate things with friends, and try to spend more time with the people we are getting to know better!

(Playing with his friend Michael at his first Easter party)

Max is also currently cutting 4 teeth at the same time! Yikes! He will start bleeding at the slighted thing, and anytime he chews on a hard toy I usually hear a screech and look over and there is blood all over his chin. So sad! I thought it was only one tooth, and today Cody said "you realize there is an entire row of teeth coming in up there, right?" He was right! I couldn't believe it! He seems to be handling it okay, but is definitely more fussy.

He moved to a big boy car seat yesterday and absolutely loves it! We decided it was okay to put him forward facing, and it is an entirely new experience for him. He sits peacefully reading, and gazing out the window. Seriously, he is so quite and happy in that thing. He is over 26 lbs so I feel confident that he is safe in that seat. The seat that we loved was on sale, and right before we bought it we realized it didn't have a rear facing option. There were only a handful left in the store, and there were a bundle of parents all having the same conversation with one another of really how important it was to put their child rear facing until two. It made me feel better that I wasn't the only parent who felt like they were breaking the rules.

I feel like I want to keep writing, but I've probably lost most of you at this point! Thanks for checking in with us! Off to search for more birthday party ideas! Getting so excited about the upcoming bash!!

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