I love my days at home with these little boys. I really do. Sometimes (most of the time) it's exhausting, and I catch myself wishing I had more time to myself, but 95% of the time I am very content. I wanted to document a typical day, along with the mess, the silliness, and the sweetness of these babies. I know it will fly by, and I will want to look back and remember.
This little guy usually wakes up a few minutes before his brother and I get to feed him and enjoy some snuggles. He and I then go make coffee and play while we wait for brother to wake up.
I often times look down and realize I am still rocking the animal print robe at 2 p.m.
Max can really PLAY, and despite my best efforts the play room/entire upstairs looks like this by lunchtime.
This munchkin loves a good turkey melt.
I find my shoes stashed in random places, usually filled with balls, cars, or puzzle pieces.
My keys are always in the trash can! Luckily today, they didn't make it all the way in.
White floors + rain + toddler = full time job cleaning
Max L.O.V.E.S. water. It can be the bath, sprinkler, puddle, hose, or rain and he is in heaven. The funny thing is that he isn't too impressed with the pool. Hopefully that will change this summer.
My guilty confession. 3 count Chicken Mini and large Diet Dp is a great start to any day. We often find ourselves making the mad dash to Chick to get in the drive through before 10:30.
Rainy day run to the Red Box for a "quite time" treat for Max.
Loaded up a naked boy fresh from "spwashing" in the puddles to make our movie run.
Rest time for the boy who slept until 11 a.m. I'm forcing him to skip his nap because this mamma is not interested in a 4:30 nap that leads to a bedtime later than I would like to stay up. Sometimes he thinks he is a teenager.
Love my life. Love my boys. Blessed.
Love those sweet boys!
I love this sweet boys too!! Too cute for words......seriously!!
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