My little angel boy is 8 months old. I forgot to blog about him turning 7 months, and now that I think about it am not sure I blogged about 6 months. I assure you, however, that he is still here sweeter than ever. Really though, he is the SWEETEST baby in the world! I seem to be tired all the time lately (no I am definitely NOT pregnant), but this baby can make me smile in an instant and find the energy to start my day. I LOVE that his face is the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning, and often the face I see in the wee hours when he wakes up to eat. He just has a happy spirit. Cody calls him
joy boy, and that is a totally accurate description.
He is the definition of a mama's boy. I don't think there ever was more of a mama's boy in all the history of mama's boys. Like he is attached to me. Like another limp. Like an accessory. Like no need for necklaces or scarves. Seriously, I think this all the time when I am getting ready. Is there even a need to try and get cute when I am already wearing the cutest thing ever, and nobody can even see or cares to notice how I look. I proudly tote that extra little limb around all day though, and 95% of the time love it.
While he loves his mama, he also LOVE his brother and Daddy. I can pass him off to Cody anytime, and he is a happy camper. He is also extremely independent apart from me of course, and will entertain himself for ever if he can see me. I can just plunk a bucket of toys in front of him in the morning while I am making my coffee, or rousing Maxwell Stone. It takes him a while to notice I am gone, so if i'm quick we avoid tears. Max also helps with the entertainment factor.
Right now he is loving going to church, and will kick and kick those little legs to the music. He also has an obsession with Baby Mum Mums, along with watermelon, and any form of puree. He gobbles anything I put in front of him, and has learned to hold the pouches and feed himself! This is going to change my life! I struggle to feed him, supervise Max and feed myself when the three of us sit down at home together for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is better because I give the child with the messiest food to Cody! Speaking of food, we have noticed he has been having some pretty bad fair ups with eczema on his cheeks. With Max's food allergies, and history of the same kid of mild eczema as a baby, but heart sinks to wonder if we will walk the same road with Levi. I genuinely hope not, and am praying for him to be spared of this
despite all the signs I am seeing. I told my mom today, however, that if he is going to have food allergies I want him and Max to have the same ones. That will make everything a lot easier. So far I really don't struggle with the peanut allergy, and with awareness and the right precautions, it is not difficult at all to keep Max safe.
Developmentally this sweet boy seems to be right on track. He definitely takes his time, and isn't early to reach milestones, but eventually gets there within the allotted time frame BabyCenter tells you is normal-ha! He babbles and says a very discernible "mamamamama," and quite a few other consonant sounds. He is trying to pull up on stuff, and when propped up can hold on for a few seconds. He just started army crawling everywhere which I was so eager for him to do, but am starting to rethink that one. So far just today I have fished from his mouth a glob of pink play-dough, a doughnut hole, a paper straw, and a wheel he bit off of a toy train. Wow.
He sleeps pretty well, and typically goes to bed between 7-8 and will wake up to eat around 6:30
and most of the time goes back to sleep for another hour or so. It varies, but usually is around 11-12 hours total night sleep. He also takes 2 or 3 naps a day depending on when he woke up, nursing between 5 and 500 times a day, and has three meals plus snacks.
I have no idea what he weighs, but would guess around 20 pounds. He was right at the 50% in height and weight at his 6 months appointment and weighed around 18 pounds. He is heavier, but I really can't tell. He is still exclusively breastfed, and has no interest in taking a bottle, or drinking a significant amount out of a sippy cup. I'm hoping the tides are turning where bottle/cup refusal is involved because he has recently learned to suck out of a food pouch or straw. I can tell he is getting more coordinated, and can hopefully learn how to take breast milk from a non human devise. Cody and I are going to San Fran in November, so he better figure something out.
He is precious. I am obsessed with this sweet boy (well both of them). Happy Monday!
1 comment:
He is so cute! I am a little jealous that he can feed himself those pouches. I am going to throw a party when Clara learns to do that . :)
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