Thursday, November 15, 2012

17/18 Months

I'll go ahead an document Max at 17 months a little early since his brother could be here any day, and I might get a bit distracted!

Max is HILARIOUS these days.  He sings, dances, and is a serious show off. He was officially made the transition from a baby to a full blown toddler/little boy. He dropped his bottle finally about a month ago. We had a little bottle relapse when he got really sick, and it was the only way I could get him to drink any fluid, but he immediately didn't want it when he was feeling better.

He loves, loves, loves milk, and chugs his sippy cup full of milk down to the last drop when he wakes up, before his nap, and at bedtime. He has two molars on the bottom, and one coming in on the top. He is having a little bit of trouble eating because of this, and I find it hard to get anything down him during the day unless it's soft, or drinkable. We have been doing  a lot of smoothies, soft fruit, and pasta during the day. By dinner time it's as if he has forgotten the pain because he is so hungry he will eat anything. He eats just like us now, and is currently loving chicken pot pie, lasagna, pizza, beans and rice, raisin toast, chicken nuggets (sometimes), avocado, bean and cheese burritos, and all pasta/noodle dishes. He loves going out to eat, and will usually finish his little kids meal now. He likes Chinese food, and drinks his egg drop soup with a straw before he moves on to his chicken and rice. He just cracks me up. We are working on getting more non puree veggies down him, and I think the trick might be introducing a dipping sauce like ketchup or ranch. Probably not the best habit to start, but I think it's better than not eating veggies. He did eat a tomato the other day though, and a ton of veggies from his chicken pot pie. I was very excited!

He talks all the time, and picks up new words daily. Yesterday while he was at the park with my cousin Lindsey he said "squirrel" and his most hilarious new trick is saying the phrase "what in the world" which sounds more like "wha in da whaled." It cracks us up, so he says it all the time! He also said "go joe" when repeating my mom the other day. Funny boy.

(Unfortunate ER visit. We have since learned he is mildly allergic to peanuts, pecans and egg whites)

I'm not sure how much he weights, but it is definitely no more than 32 pounds (I don't think). I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't gain much weight this month but its hard to tell. To me he seems to be leveling out. He is wearing mostly 2T/3T clothes, 3T  pajamas, and a size 7 shoe. Still a big and very tall boy.

We are having so much fun soaking in our last new days as a family of 3! Happy 17 months Max. I can't believe how time is flying by!

UPDATE: We did have his 18 month check in the time lapsed that I never posted this blog. He is 97% in everything. 32lbs, and 36 inches tall. He is doing wonderfully. He is right where he needs to be, and "doing exceptionally well, and even advanced for his age" said the doctor haha I promise that wasn't a mom brag....well maybe a little.

We had to get a prescription for Epi Pen Jr.'s which is scary. His allergy tests came back positive for a few thing. It's strange though because he has eaten all these foods, (or foods containing these foods) especially eggs dozens of time. Because of this we and the doctor are hopeful he will our grow it. His allergies aren't severe, however, have landed us in the ER twice. This last time involved his face swelling, vomiting and him passing out!! Therefore I will religiously carry around my Epi Pen, and pray that doesn't happen again. It was definitely the scariest moment of my life! We are actually suspecting this last attack to have been from a bug because we are 95%  positive he didn't eat peanuts, pecans, or egg white that day. When all his swelling went down in the hospital we noticed what looked like a spider bite on his hand. Poor boy!

Baby brother joined us on this visit for his 1 month check up! Posts to come ALL ABOUT LEVI soon! I promise I didn't forget about baby bro. I seriously have zero time to myself right now. Little Li Li man insists on being held or in the sling and I can't quite juggle him and the computer. I do have TONS to tell you about our new little guy. Be back soon'ish!

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