Friday, November 16, 2012

Levi's Birth Story

Disclaimer- I didn't have time time to proof read this, but if I don't post now it will never happen!

On October 4th, at 4:00 a.m. Cody and I loaded the car to head to the hospital for the dreaded induction of Levi (though I was beside myself with excitement to meet him). I was super apprehensive about being induced because, well, my last induction was tragic. I had been on bed rest for 3 weeks with high blood pressure, so I was very excited to be done with that, and get started with our new life as a family of 4! I was about 38.5 weeks when he was born.

When we got settled in our room the nurse told me I was contracting, and early labor was probably starting. This was a GREAT sign that my body ready, and hopefully the induction would not only work this time, but be quick! Well, quick it definitely was! We started the Pitocin around 6:30 a.m. and I think I got my epidural around 8. The hospital was having a really slow morning so everything went very smoothly, and I didn't have to wait long at all for the anesthesiologist. I remember saying to him "don't I need to be in pain to have the epi?" He laughed and asked why I thought that.

Cody and I chatted with my mom, watched Everybody Loves Raymond for a few hours, and by about 3 p.m. I was ready to push! I casually told the nurse I was feeling pressure and when she checked me I was READY. I immediately burst into tears because this was the last thing I suspected. I did one practice push and the nurse yelled for me to stop because the baby was coming out! Wow! We had to wait about 10 minutes for the doctor to get in the room, and the nurse joked with me that she had "caught" many a baby so don't worry. I politely told her that I totally trusted her skills, but would like to wait for the doctor.  She laughed and said she didn't blame me. At this point I didn't think I could hold out much longer, and thought the baby would literally fall out at any second. Then my wonderful doctor arrived and Levi was born 4 pushes later.

I made the connection with my doctor that we were both identical twins WHILE I was pushing, and she was so excited! I can't believe that this never came up before. Anyway, Cody and I had already decided that he didn't want to cut the cord, so Dr. Hoque excitedly said "no problem, twin sister would you like to do the honors?" IF YOU COULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK FOR KAYLA'S FACE! She was so cute though, and confidentially took the scissors and made the snip on the spot!

When he came out he looked just teeny tiny. He was only 7 pounds 9 ounces which is not what we expected at all, however, he was a little bit early. He was crying and healthy, and it was of course such an amazing moment. Family was able to come in soon after, and my dad arrived just minutes after he was born. He got the text from my mom saying Levi was here, and my dad said he dropped the phone and started speeding down the highway. None of us expected this experience to be as quick and easy as it was.

The care I received at this hospital was so, so much better than with Max. My doctor had such an attitude, and the nurses were not very nice at all then. It really does make all the difference. Cody's mom had Max at the house, but she was able to make it up to the hospital a couple hours later too! It was so wonderful having everyone there, and knowing Max was being taken care of my Cheryl (Cody's mom). I had more anxiety about leaving him than I did about giving birth.

My L & D nurse kept joking with the other nurses that they needed to go "check out the girl in room 310". She was shocked how happy I was while in labor, and I was just as shocked that I was actually IN labor. I am so thankful it went as well as it did. Other than a minor case of jaundice that resolved itself in the hospital me and Levi were perfectly healthy, and out in 2 days. My doctor actually gave me the option to leave the next night, but I was in no rush to get back to reality yet, or my beloved crazy man Max. I seriously love the hospital, and cried when I had to leave. To me there is something so comforting about knowing you are surrounded my help those first new days, and it doesn't hurt that you can push a button for food and drinks, and stay in bed all day watching T.V and bonding with your baby. With Max the nurses busted in at all hours of the night turning lights on, and taking blood (Seton is an AMAZING hospital by the way. They just need to tweak their L & D department). Here they let me put a Do Not Disturb sign on my door, and made sure to only check vitals at the same time the baby was getting his done as to not bother us twice in the middle of the night. Loved it!

(Levi Hayes Girod at only a couple hours old)

Overall, we were blessed beyond measure with the experience we had. I'll post more pictures soon, as for now I hear two babies stirring in their beds. They have a serious skill for waking up at the exact same time!

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